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Facility Lifecycle Analysis

  • Develop a complete inventory of building materials that have a lifecycle.
  • Provide an evaluation/grading of those materials’ condition.
  • Provide (referenced) unit pricing for those materials.
  • Provide a living database with projected material replacement costs.

The projected material replacement costs may inform a School District what part of the Maintenance and Operations budget will be required to maintain the facilities over a period of years. The projection may alternatively inform the School District of what portion of a Capital Bond will be needed to maintain facilities over a period of years.

Capital Improvement Planning and Project Management

  • Tabulate projected cost of lifecycle material replacement costs.
  • Research and develop budgets for District Spatial, Security, Academic and Energy needs.
  • Evaluate project-funding sources: Capital Bond, Adjacent Ways and SFB Grants.
  • Develop a Schematic Schedule for a Capital Bond Program.
  • Develop a Cash Flow Model for a Capital Bond Program.
  • Work with District Purchasing to develop bond project Procurement Protocols.
  • Provide a detailed Procurement Plan/Schedule for each phase of projects.
  • Assist the District with various procurements.
  • Monitor and manage project costs as they relate to budgets.
  • Support the District on various bond program effects.
  • Combine the above information into a Master Plan.

Providing the services above results in a well-researched well-developed system of matching needs, budgets and financial resources. All of this information is the basis for a Capital Bond Program Master Plan – The Master Plan will allow the School District Administration to make highly informed decisions and will provide confidence for members of the Governing Board and other Community Stakeholders.

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